Catpaws Cafe

Random musings from my virtual fountain pen

Archive for the tag “friendships”

Discovering friends & surviving loneliness

I am going out on a limb here and being vulnerable so please go easy on me. I see memes with words like the one above making the rounds from time to time, they were much more prominent a decade ago.

This morning I had a dream where I made a new friend just days before leaving here, and that reminded me of how I have on occasion spent 5-6 hours having an amazing conversation with someone, come away feeling elated, only to never hear from them again? (I usually give my contact details, instead of asking for theirs). I thought we got on like a house on fire – how did I get it so completely wrong?

But get this, I want friends. Everyone want friends. If we as a species haven’t learned anything else from this last year, it is that we need each other, and we all want community in some shape or form.

I haven’t made any friends in C’cun, (and it’s not from lack of trying, except these last 18 months I simply have not bothered). There. I said it. The thing I am the most ashamed of having failed at in my life. Why is that? Why is it shameful to move somewhere and fail at making new friends locally?

I realize I am in an extreme situation here, but I want friends, wherever I eventually end up, not just acquaintances or drinking buddies etc. Introvert friends, to do introverted things with.

I’ve never been good at making friends, and now…talk about out of practice. But *I want to know where I’m going wrong*, because everywhere I go – I will be bringing myself, my insecurities etc. It’s been very lonely years here. I don’t want the rest of my life to be too. And my experience simply is not like the meme above, and I want it to be.

I think it is almost impossible for someone who attracts new friends with ease wherever they go to understand what it is like on the other end of the spectrum. And how absolutely excruciating the experience is to feel rejected by the world. You hear about people making friends absolutely everywhere and anywhere so why not me? What am I doing wrong?
Cats and dogs like me so I can’t be all bad?

More of this please.

Life as it is

Sitting on the roof and I’m so homesick. Thankfully it’s a very rare occurrence and when it hits it is usually on an evening like this. It’s balmy with the merest hint of a breeze after a hot day, and the crickets are grinding away.
The kind that on the Isle of Wight are precious and rare, to be treasured and made the most of.
When you don’t want to cook, but meet up with good friends at the Crab n lobster for dinner with a glass of wine or a beer or two.
Precious friends, where the atmosphere is relaxed, you know each other so well there’s no pretense to keep up.  Where you can be your self unabashedly, and both silence and interesting depth is equally comfortable.

Watching the sea side by side with no need for words as evening turns into night, and dew gathers on the grass and garden furniture. Pulling my legs up and hugging my knees, not quite ready to go back home just yet.  Boats and container ships winking pinpricks in the distance, competing with the stars above.
Precious moments to treasure forever more.

Here , in the minutes its taken me to write this and
for a single sad tear to glide down my cheek
Darkness has fallen too.
Tonight the stars are out in an inky sky.
In contrast with home, here after a blistering hot day
nightfall does not bring much relief
only the suffocating humidity of tropical summer.

Here there’s no slow drive to a favorite pub with the windows down, and there are no friends to hang out with. Only food to be prepared and cooked as my stomach not so subtly reminded me.
Beam me up, please.


The dusk and dawn


The dusk and dawn


When the worlds overlap so slightly

is when the pain of separation

is at it’s most intense.

I never looked at it that way

I only knew it hurt

but I couldn’t work out why

I’d been just fine five minutes before

just like for me in 3d

I often don’t realize how much I miss something

until reminded

by having it once more

a blessing in itself, in disguise

So at dusk the pain of separation from

my soul family is so palpable

because of those on the other side

are cloaked but near.

It hurts so bad I never made the connection

I never thought that’s what it was

tho now,

when I compare the two

missing someone who has passed over

or longing for someone who is away

I can see they are one and the same for me.


So here I am subconsciously thinking I’m travelling and

moving the world over

in search of my souls cherished companions

where I need first to explore

and know intimately

the Pain of Separation.

And I know how to be a stranger

just as I know how to pack up and move.

Years of temping taught me how to pick up and fit in

without ever being noticed.

To the next place, and the next…

Many times I wanted to stay

mostly for the camaraderie I witnessed

but it was not to be

and anyway, I was always too soul restless for that.

I’d spend a year with the same group and

the itchy feet would start

Like watching from the sidelines

the echoes of voices

the same lines


and over

and over…

When I got a close fit

they’d disappear out of my life

often without a trace

no explanation, no closure

and the confusion and question-marks would hurt so much

sometimes instant,

other times time would trickle away

and they’d be irrevocably gone.

Too late to grieve like for a lover lost

but I guess I grieved on the inside instead

the tears I never shed

the dull pain never identified as such

the missing unvalidated.

Never enough to hold me in one place

when I needed to move on

in search of

and exploring it’s counterpart

when it starts to get comfortable

like ants all over


I’m subconsciously urged to move on

by boredom at work

of fear of stagnation.

To stay in a stale job one needs very special colleagues

or a fulfilling life outside of work.

A fulfilling job can equally accommodate

an empty personal life.

Mine was rich on the inside

whilst empty on the outside…

I wanted the inspiring career from day one

to make up for the empty feeling inside and

later to cover up for my lack of success in attracting all I thought I ought to have

I don’t know if it would have made me happy or not

since I never got the experience.


Then I came here

I reckoned I’d moved for every other reason bar love

so I thought why not try that.

Actually, that was an afterthought

It wasn’t so much of a choice

as it was a a road with no turnoffs…

No matter how much it pained me to leave

my friends, the job I loved, the car of my dreams

I knew with every fiber of my being

I was doing the right thing.

And so the next phase of my life began.

For a while all the bits of my crazy life made perfect sense.


It certainly stepped up the feelings of alienation in a way I had not foreseen. I had expected because I was on the right track at last to quickly make new friends. It didn’t happen that way. Spanish turned out to be just as impossible to get the hang of as it was at college, and I found myself surrounded by women of all ages with babies on the brain and not much else; tourists in search of sun and an escape from their everyday life, problems and worries; and men fuelled largely by beer and tacos.

As the friends I had made left one by one and work dried up, the layers of the onion deepened.


My friend Jacquie once said when I was new to Park Gate and feeling low about it, that it takes about a year to make real friends in a new place, and I’ve found that to be my truth too. It’s been almost six years now and here I am, mainly alone, acquaintances aside.

Every other year I encounter someone I feel is close friend material for sure

only to never hear from them again.


I don’t know how much deeper into this onion I have to go

or what I’m supposed to do.

What I know is I’m not aligned with much on this island anymore.

I’m not interested in drinking, smoking, bullshitting and bar-hopping. I’ll never have any interest in babies, kids or the soaps on tv.

The sand and the palmtrees on the beaches does not make up for the absence of other things nature wise. I need personal space and will never be comfortable living the way many Mexicans do, on top of eachother and in and out of eachothers pockets and space all the time. 14000 residents plus tourists on 3 square miles of buildable land is too densely populated for me, with more people arriving every week, and soon every foot of land will be covered by concrete in one form or another. I’d like to live somewhere where alcohol is not the main fuel of the economy.

But I only have to look at my husband of almost 5 years now to know I got the man right!  I wouldn’t change him for the world.


So now I know

what that dusk and dawn feeling I’ve always dreaded is.

I feel at peace and easeful, for a little while.

I give the kitties a good brushing because they love it and

passers by smile at me and I find myself smiling back,

right here, right now.


So where do I take it from here

or where does this take me more like?

I don’t know.


Do I care? In the now, no.

If I let myself go to the future, yes definitely.

How much should we allow ourselves to dwell on the future?

I don’t have an answer for that right now.

I don’t want to go there.

Because I am here

and I like to stay in the moment for now.



10 April 2013

(c) Catpaws Cafe, Liz Rosales.

Autumn Sunday

The crunching noise of rustling leaves underfoot

the canopy above and around me alight with colours

reds, orange, yellow and still a little green here and there

proper hiking boots, jeans and cozy parka

out for a walk, just because I can.

All around me autumn in all it’s splendour.

Even in the high street

the late summer sale and back to school have made way for

comfortable knits and stylish pants.

Make your way to the coffee house when you’ve had your fill of being buffeted by the brazing winds

or shopping has brought on a craving for coffee or tea,

cake or scones or even a late pub lunch

animated chatter catching up with friends

laughter and comparing best finds.


Here too it is finally autumn

the thermometer shows 28c/82f and it’s a glorious, sleepy sunday

cool enough for my body to exhale

a contented sigh of relief from the oppressive heat of the spring and summer months.

Last night we had an absolutely spectacular sunset

nature generously showing off in the most breathtaking of fashion.

Got to watch this rather unexpectedly from the boat

that we’d spent hours scrubbing down

frying my back in the sun.

Before enlightenment
cook food and scrub boat
after enlightenment
cook food and scrub boat.

Today I’m wearing one of my softest t-shirts

saying Tour de France 1994 (yes I was there!)

and the contrast between where the shoulder straps were and the rest looks rather comical

Fortunate I have witch-vera…!


But I still miss the distinctive change of seasons and

talking about plans and ideas with my old friends

with whom even not speaking is comfortable.

All while I make me and my love coffees, cuddle the Miao-cat

and sit down and write this in easy companionable silence at the kitchen table.


Catpaw, 23 September 2012

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